The RED V-RAPTORTM RF to PL w/ Electronic ND Filter Adapter Pack integrates the same precise
electronic ND control as used in the V-RAPTORTM XL into a robust PL mount solution for the RED V-
The pack includes two filters; A clear filter for when no ND is needed and an Electronic ND Filter with a 2-7
stop range. Featuring precise control of 1/4, 1/3 or full stop increments which allows choosing the exact
exposure without compromising the intended aperture.
Each Clear and Electronic ND filters thickness are measured and paired together to ensure no back focus
shifts when switching between filters.
ND can be controlled via the integrated buttons on the Electronic ND Filter, DSMC3TM RED Touch 7.0”
LCD, RED Control, RED Control Pro, web interface, or any other RCP2 compatible remote control, allowing
for easy access to exposure no matter how the camera is configured.
Supporting Cooke /i lens communication and record triggering, the RF to PL Adapter w/ Electronic ND
expands the functionality of the camera's native RF lens mount for professional applications. Constructed of
a titanium core, the shimmable RF to PL Adapter is resistant to environmental temperature changes,
providing consistent and precise back focus.
The RED V-RAPTOR RF to PL Adapter w/ Electronic ND Filter Adapter Pack includes Adapter Support
Brackets to provide additional rigidity and a native-like mount experience.
Note: Users who already own the V-RAPTOR RF to PL Adapter Pack and have the Adapter Support
Brackets should contact sales directly to purchase the RF to PL Adapter W/ Electronic ND only.