The length (14.53") of the AT8035 Line + Gradient Condenser Microphone is well-suited for ENG, outdoor recording and other specialized uses. The microphone is designed for video production and broadcast (ENG/EFP) audio acquisition. Suited for both boom & handheld use, it provides the narrow acceptance angle desirable for long-distance sound pickup, featuring excellent sound rejection from the sides and rear of mic and switchable low-frequency roll-off. It operates on battery or phantom power.
Output from the microphone’s XLRM-type connector is low impedance (Lo-Z) balanced. The signal appears across Pins 2 and 3; Pin 1 is ground (shield). Output phase is “Pin 2 hot” – positive acoustic pressure produces positive voltage at Pin 2. To avoid phase cancellation and poor sound, all mic cables must be wired consistently: Pin 1-to-Pin 1, etc.
An integral 80 Hz high-pass filter provides easy switching from a flat frequency response to a low-end roll-off. The roll-off position reduces the pickup of low-frequency ambient noise (such as traffic, air-handling systems, etc.), room reverberation and mechanically coupled vibrations.